Roger Severino

Why You Should Consider Fasting

Because Jesus on occasion criticized the way certain people fasted (see Matt. 6:16-18), Christians sometimes wonder if fasting is still for us today. After all, many of the references are found in the Old Testament and it doesn’t seem to be as emphasized under the New Covenant.

I believe that fasting is still a spiritual practice Christians should consider for the following reasons:

Jesus’ Teaching: In the Matthew 6 passage He says “when you fast” which suggests that Jesus expected His followers to fast. In another passage (Matt. 9:14-15; see the parallel in Mark 2:18-20 and Luke 5:33-35), Jesus states that when He is taken away from His disciples, then they will fast.

Jesus’ Example: When the Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness to face His testing, the text says that He fasted during this time (see Matt. 4:1-2).

The Example of the Early Church: It was during a time of worshipping the Lord and fasting that the church at Antioch sensed that God was calling them to send out Paul and Barnabas on their missionary journey (see Acts 13:1-3). During this journey, Paul and Barnabas prayed and fasted while appointing elders in these newly formed churches (Acts 14:23).

What is Fasting?

Fasting is temporarily abstaining from something (often food) that may otherwise be good, or at least not sinful. Fasting in the Bible almost always refers to going without food for a period of time, but Christians have found it beneficial to abstain from other things for a season in order to focus on prayer and connecting with God. In our modern world, many advocate fasting from all media for a season in order to be still and hear God’s voice.

Bad Reasons to Fast

As Jesus instructed, we do not fast to be seen by others so that we receive their honor for being such spiritual people. Also, fasting is not to bargain with God or win His favor. We already have His favor because we are in Christ. Also, fasting for spiritual purposes is not primarily motivated by losing weight. We fast for spiritual purposes to allow God to work in our lives and form His character in us.

Good Reasons to Fast

Food is often used to medicate pain, or simply keep us going so that we do not stop and allow God to do His heart surgery in us. When I fast, I feel a certain weakness, not just physically but also a greater dependence emotionally / spiritually. Fasting often has a way of uncovering layers of protection in my life. My hunger pains remind me of my hunger for God. Our natural inclination is to feel powerful and in control; fasting has a way of stripping this from us and making us depend more on God.

When to Fast

I have fasted during seasons of making a big decision and seeking out the Lord’s wisdom. Fasting can be an expression of repentance or mourning. Fasting can be a way to deal head-on with an idol or addiction. But we do not need a special occasion to fast. It is appropriate whenever we want to seek the Lord in prayer and have Him work in our lives. If you have never fasted, start with skipping one meal and pray during this time; or go on a 24-hour fast, making sure to drink liquids while abstaining from food.

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