Roger Severino

Tag Archives: mission

Jesus: Preaching with Authority

In his Gospel, Matthew gives an occasional summary statement about Jesus’ itinerary. “Jesus was going all over Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people.” This passage from Matthew 4:23 is practically repeated in Matthew 9:35 giving us a clue that this was typical on Jesus’...more

“As the Father Has Sent Me”: A Model and Mandate for Ministry

In Jesus’ High Priestly prayer in John 17:9-19, He prayed several things for His followers: That they be protected, unified, and joyful (vv. 9-13). That they be in the world but not of the world (vv. 14-17). That they be sent into the world to minister, even as the Father sent Jesus (vv. 18-19). In John 17:18, Jesus prayed...more
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