Roger Severino

Tag Archives: God

What Bette Midler, Joan Osborn (and maybe Tom Petty) teach us about God

Reflections on Isaiah 40 “From a distance, the world looks blue and green, and the snow-capped mountains white. From a distance, the ocean meets the stream and the eagle takes to flight. From a distance, there is harmony, and it echoes through the land. It’s the voice of hope, it’s the voice of peace, it’s the voice of every...more


Why do we need to study the theological foundations of the Christian faith? I can imagine protests coming from different camps. One group might claim that this is unnecessary because people in our churches already know and embrace these truths. Others will complain that theology is for professionals, not for everyday Christians. This perspective might say, “Don’t bother people...more

The Beginning of the Story: Reflections on Genesis 1

The beginning of any story is important to lay out the setting, begin the plot, and introduce the main characters. The Bible is no different. The Book of Genesis tells the story of the beginning, not in scientific language, but in Hebrew poetry, recounting the main things we need to know. The Bible does not argue for the existence...more

Why You Should Cultivate Both Love and Hate

In 1 John 4, the Apostle John tells us two different times that “God is love” (vv. 8 and 16). What a wonderful message! How glorious to realize that the God of the universe is motivated by love and is the origin of love. In fact, we learn that “we love, because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19)....more
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